Who We Are
Witchle aims to be a repository of occult knowledge.
At Witchle we believe that occult knowledge should be available to all.
Any witch, beginning or experienced deserves access to occult knowledge in a way that is as accurate as possible to ensure their craft is practiced ethically and securely.
That’s why Witchle.com offers a platform for all witches to share their knowledge of the craft.
Our Story
Dreams of offering reliable public access to occult knowledge.
Witchle.com began with a simple desire, to offer occult knowledge to the world.
In the age of artificially generated content on the internet, we aim to be a site that you can trust as a witch.
Our wiki articles contain information from experts in their respective fields and you can check their reliability in the footnotes, just as you can on Wikipedia.
What We Do
How We’re Different
There are plenty of websites on the internet predating generative ai containing useful information.
However, often this information is published on unsecure ancient sites that haven’t been updated in quite a while.
Witchle gathers knowledge and presents it in an easy to digest format so you can spend less time browsing the web and more time honing your craft.
Ethical eclectism
Find out if something is closed practice or open practice
We are not here to judge your craft, we simply offer information on the source of the magic you're working with.
By checking our practice information box available on each article you can see the various cultures that you can thank for the magic that we use today.
Human intelligence
Created by witches for witches, not generated by AI
At Witchle we firmly stand against the usage of generative artificial intelligence in our articles and images.
You can trust that the images and information you find here are either original or used with permission from the original creator.